Thursday, May 11, 2006

Curt Bauer - In Memorandum

Yesterday a good friend of ShopforT1 and agents everywhere passed away. His name was Curt Bauer, Channel Manager for Xspedius Communications. He was a great man who always went the extra mile to make everyone else's lives better.

When Adam and I first started this company, faith was in short supply. Most vendors we deal with needed to see "the numbers" before they would allocate any type of resources to support our new business model. Curt Bauer was not one of these people. He supported up like we were a million dollar company from day one. He was able to see that ShopforT1 was special, with great agents, futuristic pricing technology, and honest management. Though Xspedius has a pretty limited footprint, our agents rewarded Curt with new business in return for his support. In fact, many of our agents consider Curt a member of the family.

Curt, we will miss you good friend. The few years we worked together were a blessing.


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